Mini walking on the beach with us for the first time! And of course she loved it. She did not care that it was cold at all. She wanted down!
Here is mini sitting on the sand for the first time. She was not so sure of this. The sand felt strange. But to my surprise she did not try to eat the sand! And she did get used to it. Which I guess explains her loving the walking in the wet sand!
Dennis and the kids built a wall to hold back the tide. And they thought they had more time and that it would hold back a few waves. The tide was coming in but they thought it was coming in slower. So Matthew was digging in the middle and the poor things got almost drowned it was so deep on him. Dennis grabbed him so he did not get pulled out! And the wall was gone in one wave!!
But they had a blast. Though we did not bring extra outfits as we were thinking no one was getting wet and 3 of the kids were soaked by time we left!